Recommended Wellness Experts:


Claire McManus, M.Ac. +

An acupuncturist for almost 20 years and a past life as an organic livestock farmer. Claire's experience in the field of acupuncture is unparalleled. She has worked as a Senior Research Acupuncturist on several large randomized controlled trials funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and coordinated by the Osher Institute at Harvard Medical School. Her bedside manner is one of the most gracious I have ever experienced. Claire has helped improve my health in the areas of female reproductive system, immunity and muscle weakness. She is the truly one of the finest in her field. 

Body Workers

Lee Albert +

Lee Albert, NMT is a highly popular Neuromuscular Therapist at the world renowned Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. After my first session, I was in awe of how something so gentle could be so effective. Enamored with his kindness, technique and humbleness, I knew immediately this man was up to something good.  His dedication to helping people help themselves, is his greatest gift.  He created Integrated Positional Therapy (IPT), - protocols to reduce and often eliminate chronic pain. I am currently under his guidance to complete my IPT certification.

MD, Midwife & Herbalist 

Aviva Romm M.D. +

A midwife, herbalist, ecologist, mother, writer, and Yale-trained MD, Aviva is a resource that all should know about. Her mission is to make natural medicine easy and affordable, and instill confidence in her patients. Her science based care is devoted to wellness, and is changing the face of western medicine. I am inspired by her programs, books and lectures - they have brought much health to our whole family.

Other Highly Recommended Experts:

Massage Therapist: Andrew Jurdan, LMT +

Midwife: Sarafina Kennedy +

Midwife: Tara Kenny +

Physical Therapist (pelvic floor): Karlene Salguero +